Explanation of Data

Data sets are divided into networks (i.e. "PANGA", "IGS").

PANGA time series are network solutions in ITRF2005 with phase ambiguities resolved. Other time series are point-positions. All solutions are computed with JPL/NASA orbits and satellite clocks.

Under each network are listed the stations in that network.

Each station has a North (N), East (E) and vertical (V) position component.

Time, position, error data for each component is available as a jpeg image ("Images") or as ascii text ("Position Data").

Each image is a graphical representation of the corresponding text data file.

Position data are available at three different levels of post-processing:"Raw," "Detrended," and "Cleaned".

"Raw" time series are straight from GIPSY postprocessing.

"Detrended" are the "Raw" timeseries linearly detrended.

"Cleaned" are the "Raw" timeseries with linear trends, steps due to earthquakes or hardware upgrades, and annual and semi-annual sinusoids signals simultaneously estimated and removed following Szeliga et al, 2004. Blue lines indicate times of known artifacts, such as corrected hardware upgrades, and green lines indicate times of known tectonic signals such as slow earthquakes.

Data acknowledgement should read "GPS time series provided by the Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array, Central Washgington University."

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